Hello and thank you for visiting our site!
The Secular Franciscan Order (OFS) is a branch of the worldwide Franciscan Family. The OFS is a community of lay men and women, single and married, who seek to pattern their lives after Christ in the Spirit of St. Francis of Assisi. Our purpose is to live the Gospel message in our daily lives and to find practical ways to embrace the Gospel in our lives and try to help others to do likewise.
Secular Franciscans follow the OFS rule that requires us to spend time in community with our Franciscan brothers and sisters. We gather at least monthly. We support each other through the ups and downs of daily life. We pray together, take opportunities to learn about our church, our community and our world.
Profession in the Secular Franciscan Order from Capuchin Province of St. Joseph on Vimeo.
If you have a Franciscan vocation you probably have a desire to do something more. Perhaps you feel a need for support in growing spiritually. Or, deep down, you sense a need to serve God in a special way. Perhaps, God is calling you to become a Secular Franciscan.
We welcome you to attend one of our regularly scheduled fraternity gatherings to come and get to know us. Our fraternity gatherings are held on the third Sunday of the month at 1:30 p.m. at the Solanus Casey Center located at 1780 Mt. Elliott in Detroit, Michigan. Our formation/orientation classes are held at 12 Noon on the third Sunday of the month. To speak with someone about the Secular Franciscan Order, please call 313-579-2100, ext. 1136 or email: OFSDetroit@gmail.com. We look forward to meeting you!